Fish Board May Consider Setnet Site Erosion

Alaska’s Board of Fisheries will be at the Sheraton Hotel in Anchorage Feb. 23-29 to discuss finfish regulatory issues for the Alaska Peninsula, Chignik and the Aleutian Islands.
The board plans to make audio of the meeting live streamed on its website, at
The agenda and other meeting materials will be available prior to the meeting at
Written comments through the end of the meeting to the Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, or faxed to 907-465-6094.
Under its miscellaneous business agency, the board may consider draft criteria for board deliberation on commercial set gillnet proposals affected by coastal erosion, and a draft policy on the board’s proposal review process.

The draft criteria on commercial set gillnet proposals affected by coastal erosion was developed by the board’s special committee on coastal erosion, after the committee was assigned its mission at the December meeting of the board on Bristol Bay finfish issues. Then during the committee’s January meeting on coastal erosion impacts on setnet operations, Alaska Department of Natural Resources representatives discussed the process of obtaining a setnet site lease. New sites require a public comment period and communication with other agencies, and in general erosion issues are difficult leasing issues.