NOAA Draft Climate Science Action Plan

Sea climate-related changes in ocean ecosystems are affecting the nation’s marine species and the people, businesses and communities that depend on them. NOAA Fisheries has produced a draft Southeastern Bering Sea Climate Regional Action Plan to help address key climate-related information needs in the region as called for in the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy. NOAA is inviting members of the public to provide feedback on this draft plan, to be finalized by fall, 2016.
The draft Regional Action Plan identifies key information needs and actions that NOAA Fisheries and partners will take in this region over the next 3-5 years to implement the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy, released in August of 2015. The draft Regional Action Plan also includes a plan to assess the vulnerability of 18 commercially important fish species to climate change and a science action plan detailing ongoing steps to monitor climate change impacts on these species.
The climate vulnerability assessment NOAA is conducting as part of this Regional Action Plan will enable them to provide data and information to help fishery managers make informed decisions to ensure the sustainability of commercially important US fish stocks.
Fishermen with questions or interested in providing input are invited to join NOAA on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at 10 am (PT) for a teleconference/webinar to learn more.
Teleconference Call in information
Password: Climate
Join WebEx meeting
Event number: 991 298 222
Event password: reuter123

If you are not able to join the meeting, the call will be recorded and available on the Alaska Fisheries Science Center website