Crab, groundfish and final action on charter halibut management measures are all on the agenda when the North Pacific Fishery Management Council meets in early December in Anchorage.
Major issues on the agenda include an emergency rule request for the red king crab savings area, an initial review of the snow crab rebuilding analysis as well as the Cook Inlet salmon fishery management plan and final action on the charter halibut management measures.
Public comment on these and other agenda items is being accepted from Nov. 18 through Dec. 2. All submitted comments will be reviewed and posted online on the council’s website. Also, both the council and the advisory panel meetings are being broadcast on Zoom.
The council is also accepting nominations from Alaska Native tribes and/or tribal consortia for one designated Alaska Native tribal seat on its advisory panel. Details on how to apply are online at https://meetings.npfmc.org/Meeting/Details/2960.
In advance of the December meeting, the Groundfish Plan Teams are meeting this week in Seattle and the recently formed NPFMC Salmon Bycatch Committee will meet virtually on Nov. 28.
The council and its advisory panel will also hear in-person and remote oral testimony during their meetings. Connect via Zoom to the advisory panel meetings Dec. 6 through Dec. 9 via the Zoom link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88671612019. The meeting ID number is 886 7161 2019.
For more details on the council meetings, visit https://www.npfmc.org.