UFA Update Shows Seafood Industry Impact

An updated set of fishing data sheets released in January by United Fishermen of Alaska shows the broad economic impact of the seafood industry on the state’s fishing communities.

The data release is an effort by UFA, the statewide commercial fisheries umbrella association, to raise awareness of the importance of the commercial fishing and seafood processing industry to the state and these communities.

The statistics are from calendar and fiscal year 2015, the most recent times for which complete data was available. They were sourced from The Alaska Departments of Revenue, Fish and Game, Labor and Commerce; Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute, Commercial Fishery Entry Commission, and NOAA Fisheries.

The Internet link is http://www.ufafish.org/fishing-facts/

“Alaska’s commercial fisheries bring millions in fishing and processing revenue and employ many thousands in the major fishing ports every year,” said UFA President Jerry McCune. “Alaska’s seafood industry is also a significant contributor for tax revenues and indirect jobs for virtually all Alaska communities.

“Due to the wide range of state and federal agencies involved in fisheries, it is challenging to understand the many different positive benefits that Alaska’s fisheries provide throughout the state and beyond.”