Training Resources Ltd Launches Free App for Mariners to Track Their Credentials, Sea Time

Training Resources Limited, Inc. (TRLMI), in San Diego, has launched a new app, SeaLog, to help mariners can track their credentials and sea time.

According to Dave Abrams, CEO of TRLMI, SeaLog was designed to help mariners, so they don’t have to worry about when their credentials or training certificates are expiring. TRLMI is the largest privately held provider of maritime training in the western U.S.

SeaLog is free to download and use, and there is no advertising within the app. The app will provide reminders set up by mariners and retain copies of every certificate. SeaLog also tracks sea time and allows the mariners to output a spreadsheet file with the information required by the Coast Guard’s Sea Service form, Abrams said.

SeaLog will provide mariners with alerts by text or email, and through the app TRLMI will offer news updates on changes in Coast Guard policies that affect mariners. When outside of cell/wifi range, the app will still allow mariners to view their certificates and sea time. All data is stored in secure servers in the U.S. and TRLMI does not share user data with any third parties, so mariners are assured that their information is secure.

Here are links to download the app: (Apple) (Android)

For company training/human resources departments, TRLMI can use the app database to provide status reports about training readiness of their mariners. For some that will mean no more last-minute crew changes because a credential is expiring.

TRLMI ‘s main campus in San Diego is an 18,000 square foot facility with 14 classrooms, bridge and engine room simulators and many “hands on” training aids. More about the company is online at