Tag: wildfishconservancy

NOAA Fisheries Updates Efforts on Wild Fish Conservancy Remand
Fishermen's News Online, News

NOAA Fisheries Updates Efforts on Wild Fish Conservancy Remand

NOAA Fisheries officials say they are working to complete the analyses required by a district court under remand in the Wild Fish Conservancy litigation involving Chinook salmon. The federal agency announced May 31 that it’s finalizing a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Expenditure of Funds to Increase Prey Availability for Southern Resident Killer Whales and an associated Endangered Species Act Biological Opinion, for a prey increase program that mitigates the impacts from the U.S. salmon fisheries managed under the 2019 Pacific Salmon Treaty. NOAA is also finalizing an environmental impact statement for the issuance of an Incidental Take Statement Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for Salmon Fisheries in Southeast Alaska subject to the 2019 Pacific Salmon Tre...
NOAA to Determine if Chinook Salmon Should Be Declared Endangered
Fishermen's News Online, News

NOAA to Determine if Chinook Salmon Should Be Declared Endangered

NOAA Fisheries has initiated a review of the status of Gulf of Alaska Chinook salmon, to see if protections under the Endangered Species Act sought by a Seattle conservation group are warranted. NOAA’s May 24 announcement in the Federal Register for a study sought by the Wild Fish Conservancy in Seattle, notes that in reviewing the conservancy’s petition it found numerous factual errors, omissions, incomplete references, and unsupported assertions and conclusions. But the petition contained enough information for a reasonable person to conclude that the petitioned action may be warranted, NOAA said. NOAA said the agency would accept public comment on the petition through July 23. The conservancy, which advocates for more Chinook salmon to feed southern resident orca whales ...