Tag: wcpfc

Western & Central Fisheries Commission Challenged Over Tuna Fishery Management
Fishermen's News Online, News

Western & Central Fisheries Commission Challenged Over Tuna Fishery Management

A global non-governmental initiative committed to openness and accountability in international fisheries decision making is challenging the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission to uphold U.N. Fish Stocks Agreement obligations. An organization called Accountability.Fish, with employees in six countries, issued a statement from Reykjavik, Iceland on Sept. 7 expressing concerns over the alleged  lack of transparency within the Fisheries Commission, which governs nearly 60% of the world’s tuna supply. The WCPFC Secretariat said in an email response to the allegations on Sept. 20 that while challenges remain, the evidence suggests that the Fisheries Commission is largely meeting its conservation goals, benefiting both the environment and the communities reliant on these vi...