Tag: tac

Alaska Pacific Cod Season Underway with Lowered TAC
Columns, Fishermen's News Online, News

Alaska Pacific Cod Season Underway with Lowered TAC

Alaska’s Pacific cod A season got underway in January, with an overall total allowable catch set lower than for 2024. It’s a total decrease of just over 14,000 metric tons, or 31 million pounds. Based on historical trends, the online market insight website Tradex on Jan. 20 estimated the total Alaskan harvest of Pacific cod would range between 133,000 and 150,000 metric tons. At the lower end, this would represent a 10% decrease from the 2024 harvest, while the higher end would align closely with last year’s total. The Russian Pacific cod 2024 harvest in metric tons, by comparison, was 105,200 metric tons, or 72% of their total allowable catch and 61% of Russia's 2023 harvest of 107,900 metric tons. For 2025, Tradex noted, Alaskan cod may be in for some further price pressu...