IPHC Plans 2024 Setline Survey in 5 of 8 Regulatory Areas
A Fishery-Independent Setline Survey (FISS) across three of four bioregions and five of eight regulatory areas are planned by the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) to begin in late May, with the intent of sampling a total of 525 stations.
The IPHC said in a Feb. 15 announcement that it expects first hooks to be in the water by May 25.
Financial woes for the IPHC, whose funds are directly related to halibut sales, have resulted in fewer stations being scheduled this year, compared to 2022, which the survey planned for 958 stations and completed sampling of just 864.
The overall allowable coastwide catch of halibut in Alaska for 2024 is down about 5% and prices are also lower, all of which impacts IPHC income.
A list of stations to be surveyed, by regulatory are...