Tag: sockeye

First Copper River Commercial Salmon Opener Harvest Yields Nearly 43,000 Sockeyes
Fishermen's News Online, News

First Copper River Commercial Salmon Opener Harvest Yields Nearly 43,000 Sockeyes

Commercial harvesters in the first Copper River salmon opener delivered nearly 43,000 sockeye salmon, 1,108 Chinook, 247 chum and two coho salmon to processors. The estimated harvest was compiled from 376 deliveries by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Cordova office. The second 12-hour opener of the season was underway May 20 under partly cloudy skies, with temperatures in the low 50s. ADF&G biologist Jeremy Botz in Cordova said the sockeye salmon harvest in that first fishing period exceeded expectations. Botz noted that there’s still a lot of ice in the river system, that the water levels are low for the date, and that there has been only limited sonar deployment on the north bank so far, with no fish observed. Botz estimated between 325 and 350 drift gillnetter ...
Alaska’s Commercial Wild Salmon Harvest Hits 11M and Rising
Fishermen's News Online, News

Alaska’s Commercial Wild Salmon Harvest Hits 11M and Rising

Demand for fresh wild Alaska sockeye salmon remains strong, yet harvesters are wary of what the payout will be, given the amount of the 2022 fish still unsold. Some grocery chains, including Carrs-Safeway and Fred Meyer, a Kroger supermarket in Anchorage, were offering customers the option of refreshed 2022 sockeye fillets this past week, when they ran low on fresh red salmon, but prices varied widely, with some stores selling 2022 sockeye fillets for as much as $17.99 a pound, compared to $15.99 a pound for the fresh reds that were sold out. Customers with store membership cards received a discount of several dollars. Meanwhile, wild salmon bound for their natal streams kept on coming. The preliminary statewide commercial salmon harvest, estimated by the Alaska Department of ...
BBRSDA Offers Updated 2023 Retail Plan for Summer of Sockeye
Fishermen's News Online, News

BBRSDA Offers Updated 2023 Retail Plan for Summer of Sockeye

The Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association laid out its 2023 marketing tool kit in late May in advance of another robust harvest of millions of wild Alaska sockeye salmon. The tool kit, designed for the BBRSDA by Rising Tide Communications in Anchorage, includes grilling instructions, sockeye recipes for salads, burgers, tacos and curried red salmon, detailed harvester profiles, sustainability information and more. The kits also include posters, recipe cards, Bristol Bay salmon informational cards, retail posters of Bristol Bay harvesters and Bristol Bay sockeye salmon stickers which retailers can order online.   The kits are free to everyone selling Bristol Bay salmon, and can be ordered online at https://marketing.bristolbaysockeye.org/point-of-sale-form or by emailing...
Cook Inlet Commercial Salmon Fishery Run Exceeds Preseason Forecast
Fishermen's News Online, News

Cook Inlet Commercial Salmon Fishery Run Exceeds Preseason Forecast

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s preliminary summary of the Upper Cook Inlet commercial salmon fishery shows the area’s sockeye salmon total run of 5.2 million fish was 6% greater than the preseason forecast of 4.9 million fish. The commercial salmon fishery harvest of 1.4 million salmon however was 44% less than the recent 10-year average annual harvest of 2.5 million fish. The 2022 ex-vessel value of all salmon species was $12.3 million and 535 less than the previous 10-year average annual ex-vessel value of $23.0 million. ADF&G biologists said that of the five species of Pacific salmon harvested in Upper Cook Inlet the sockeye salmon accounted for 91% of the total ex-vessel value over the past decade.   The 2022 chinook salmon harvest of 2,278 fish is the lowest on reco...
2023 Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Forecasts Anticipate A Lower Harvest
Fishermen's News Online, News

2023 Bristol Bay Sockeye Salmon Forecasts Anticipate A Lower Harvest

Early forecasts from the University of Washington Alaska Salmon Program (UW-ASP) and Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) predict a 2023 Bristol Bay sockeye salmon harvest of about 35 million to 38 million fish, compared to the 2022 harvest of 60 million fish. Forecasts differ due to the modeling used by researchers at the two entities. The UW-ASP preseason forecast, based on historical catch and escapement data collected by ADF&G, plus additional stock and stock by age class forecasts, is 13% lower than the recent 10-year average of 57 million fish and 4% higher than the recent 20-year average of observed runs of 48 million sockeye to Bristol Bay. In recent years, the UW-ASP program has increasingly relied on Dynamic Linear Models (DLM) to generate forecasts based on th...