Tag: setnetters

Kodiak Setnet Fleet Saves Season by Linking Up With Silver Bay Seafoods
Fishermen's News Online, News

Kodiak Setnet Fleet Saves Season by Linking Up With Silver Bay Seafoods

Veteran salmon setnetters in Kodiak, Alaska’s Alitak District have struck a deal with Silver Bay Seafoods after long-time buyer OBI dropped the Alitak setnet fleet from its roster, citing economic concerns. OBI’s decision to drop the setnetters had left them with no established means for gearing up remote fishing camps, fueling boats and selling their catch, wrote veteran harvester Hannah Heimbuch, who is a fisheries policy and communications consultant with Ocean Strategies, a public affairs firm specializing in seafood fisheries and marine resources. “After a spring of chaos, the fish ultimately pulled us through in Alitak this year,” Heimbuch wrote in Ocean Strategies’ latest fisheries policy report, released Oct. 1. “While salmon runs statewide were inconsistent in both re...