Tag: salmonrun

ADF&G Releases 2025 Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Run Forecast
Fishermen's News Online, News

ADF&G Releases 2025 Southeast Alaska Chinook Salmon Run Forecast

Alaska Department of Fish and Game officials on Dec. 9 announced that Chinook salmon run forecasts for the Taku, Situk, Chilkat, Stikine and Unuk rivers stocks have been completed. These forecasts are germane to “large” fish that are at least 28 inches in total length, and are based on recent brood year age at return and run data along with performance-based hindcasts, the agency said. The Taku River terminal run is forecast to see 40,000 large fish, above the escapement goal range of 19,000 to 36,000 kings. For the Situk River, that total run is forecast for 750 large fish within the escapement goal range of 450 to 1,050 kings. For the Chilkat River, the total run forecast is for 3,000 large fish within the escapement goal range of 1,750 to 3,500 kings. A terminal run o...