Cordova, Alaska Fish Hatchery Sentenced for Illegal Waste Disposal
A corporation in Cordova, Alaska that operates several fish hatcheries has been sentenced to pay a $450,00 fine and $550,000 in restitution and five years of probation for illegal disposal of hazardous waste at one of its hatcheries.
Chief U.S. District Court judge Sharon L. Gleason handed down the sentence in Anchorage last week for the Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corp. (PWSAC). Gleason noted that it was “regrettable that it took such a serious injury to bring about this charge.”
Court documents showed that on June 27, 2018, the maintenance manager at the Cannery Creek Hatchery in Unakwik Inlet instructed an employee to burn several 50-gallon drums that contained hazardous waste, causing serious injury to the employee.
Cannery Creek and other PWSAC hatcheries had been accumulati...