Tag: pacific

Tradex: Pacific Halibut Harvest Reaches Historic Low
Fishermen's News Online, News

Tradex: Pacific Halibut Harvest Reaches Historic Low

A new report published Dec. 9 by seafood company Tradex says the Pacific halibut fishery closed on Dec. 7 with a preliminary catch total indicating that the 2024 harvest may rank among the lowest since the 1970s. “Sourcing frozen Pacific halibut was tough this year and will get harder with the new season closed until March,” the publication reported. “Catches and sizes have shown long-term declines, with catches dropping steadily and average sizes significantly smaller compared to earlier decades.” This year’s catch limit is also one of the lowest on record in recent decades, with spawning biomass nearing the lowest levels since the 1970s, according to the report. Harvest totals at the end of November showed net weight landings of about 21.4 million pounds, potentially marking...
$206M for Pacific Salmon Recovery Included in Draft Federal Funding Bill
Fishermen's News Online, News

$206M for Pacific Salmon Recovery Included in Draft Federal Funding Bill

More than $206 million for salmon recovery and marine habitat restoration are included in the draft Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies funding bill for fiscal year 2024 that was passed by the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee on July 13. Sen. Patty Murray, who chairs the appropriations committee, said the funds, which are via the U.S. Department of Commerce, are a top priority for her. Murray (D-Wash.) has long made clear that she believes the federal government must play a role in funding salmon recovery efforts, particularly as part of its obligation to sovereign tribes. The package includes $76 million for National Marine Fisheries Service’s Pacific Salmon account, a $4 million increase over fiscal year 2023 funding levels, to support the agency’s work with End...