Harvest Mounts for Alaska’s Norton Sound King Crab Summer Fishery
Harvests are mounting for Norton Sound king crab summary fishery, with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game forecasting that entire guidelines harvest level of 308,623 pounds expected to be harvested this week.
The Norton Sound king crab summer open access commercial fishery began on June 15. Eight permit holders for the 2022 winter commercial fishery harvested 7,357 pounds of the 27,328-pound guideline harvest level for the winter fishery. According to ADF&G biologists the average weight of the king crab caught in this fishery is about 2.8 pounds.
The total Norton Sound red king crab guideline harvest level is 341,600 pounds, with 7.5% of that total reserved for the community development quota fishery. As of July 8, a total of 169,000 pounds of red king crab had been caugh...