Tag: nfsc

Migrating Puget Sound Steelhead Challenged by Hood Canal Bridge
Features, Fishermen's News Online, News

Migrating Puget Sound Steelhead Challenged by Hood Canal Bridge

NOAA Fisheries biologists say that threatened Puget Sound steelhead smolts are facing challenges on their migration route, with the Hood Canal floating bridge being a major source of mortality for about half of the smolts while trying to get past the bridge, or soon after. Puget Sound steelhead are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, and most populations are shown to have declined since 2007. Research biologist Megan Moore of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center said researchers had no idea the bridge was causing such an impact on the migrating steelheads. The research report, led by Moore, was published recently in the peer-reviewed journal Ecosphere by the NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center and Pacific Northwest sustainable fishing non-profit...