Tag: klamathdam

UC Davis Study Explores Salmon Life Before, After Klamath Dam Removal
Fishermen's News Online, News

UC Davis Study Explores Salmon Life Before, After Klamath Dam Removal

Salmon returning from the ocean to the Klamath River when the world’s largest dam removal project ends this fall is the subject of a new research documentary by scientists at the University of California, Davis. The question they are trying to answer is if a diverse population of salmon will again thrive in the Klamath. The answers are important not just for the river, but for dams across the world that have outlived their usefulness. Less than 100 miles south of Klamath, for instance, is the Eel River, where a dam is slated for removal in 2028. In 2023 along, 80 dams were demolished nationwide. “It will work,” Robert Lusardi, a freshwater ecologist and assistant professor at UC Davis, said in a July 15 new release. “There's nothing better we could do for fish and for peopl...