Tag: halibut

IPHC Cuts Coastwide Commercial Halibut Catch By 18%
Fishermen's News Online, News

IPHC Cuts Coastwide Commercial Halibut Catch By 18%

In a somber and tense meeting of the International Pacific Halibut Commission in Vancouver, British Columbia, stakeholders faced with the lowest spawning biomass in 40 years opted to cut the commercial catch limits for the 2025 season by just over 18%. The 2025 quotas were announced Jan. 31. The fishery has been scheduled to open at 6 a.m. on March 20 and run through 11:50 p.m. on Dec. 7. “The halibut spawning biomass is at historic low levels,” Linda Behnken, a veteran commercial harvester and executive director of the Alaska Longline Fishermen’s Association, said. “Stock productivity is low with no obvious strong year classes on the horizon,” she continued. “Reductions in catch limits are necessary, but would be less painful if Canada’s harvest was proportional to the abu...
Tradex: Pacific Halibut Harvest Reaches Historic Low
Fishermen's News Online, News

Tradex: Pacific Halibut Harvest Reaches Historic Low

A new report published Dec. 9 by seafood company Tradex says the Pacific halibut fishery closed on Dec. 7 with a preliminary catch total indicating that the 2024 harvest may rank among the lowest since the 1970s. “Sourcing frozen Pacific halibut was tough this year and will get harder with the new season closed until March,” the publication reported. “Catches and sizes have shown long-term declines, with catches dropping steadily and average sizes significantly smaller compared to earlier decades.” This year’s catch limit is also one of the lowest on record in recent decades, with spawning biomass nearing the lowest levels since the 1970s, according to the report. Harvest totals at the end of November showed net weight landings of about 21.4 million pounds, potentially marking...
NPFMC to Take Final Action on Charter Halibut Annual Management Measures
Fishermen's News Online, News

NPFMC to Take Final Action on Charter Halibut Annual Management Measures

Final action on charter halibut annual management measures is on the agenda, along with reports on groundfish specifications for the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska when the North Pacific Fishery Management Council meets in Anchorage Dec. 5-10. The meeting is being held at the Egan Center and via Zoom. Contact information for the Zoom link is posted on the Council’s website: https://meetings.npfmc.org/Meeting/Details/3066. There are also Zoom links to the Council’s Advisory Panel, which meets from Dec. 3-6 and the Scientific and Statistical Committee meeting from Dec. 2-4, both also at the Egan Center. In addition, the Crab Plan Team meets virtually on Dec. 5. Proposed groundfish harvest specifications for both 2025 and 2026 are typically set to match the final ...
Area 2A Commercial Pacific Halibut Season Opens June 25
Fishermen's News Online, News

Area 2A Commercial Pacific Halibut Season Opens June 25

The first three-day commercial directed Pacific halibut fishing season of the year in convention waters off the West Coast begins at 8 a.m. on June 25 and runs through 6 p.m. on June 27. NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement, along with state and federal fisheries partners, have advised that they will be out on the water and at the docks, conducting patrols throughout the season. Patrol partners include the U.S. Coast Guard, California Department of Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement, Oregon State Police and Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Police. The patrols will focus on ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations governing commercial Pacific halibut fishing. They include but are not limited to proper marking of fishing gear, permitting and vessel documentation, min...
Coalition Defends Limits on Trawler Halibut Bycatch
Fishermen's News Online, News

Coalition Defends Limits on Trawler Halibut Bycatch

A dispute over the amount of halibut allowed as incidental catch by trawlers targeting groundfish in the Bering Sea has prompted the newly-formed Halibut Defense Alliance to intervene in litigation on behalf of the National Marine Fisheries Service. The coalition includes commercial fishermen, charter operators, processors and community organizations that represent halibut-dependent communities across Alaska and the Pacific Northwest, who support the NMFS decision to allow more bycatch when halibut abundance is high and less bycatch when abundance is low. As of early March, the Justice Department was preparing the entire administrative record, with all related documents, to deliver to the federal judge in Anchorage. After that, both sides in the case were to bring their arguments...
IPHC Approves Coastwide Decrease in Halibut Catch, Down 4.57% From 2023
Fishermen's News Online, News

IPHC Approves Coastwide Decrease in Halibut Catch, Down 4.57% From 2023

The International Pacific Halibut Commission wrapped up its 100th annual meeting in Anchorage on Jan. 26, after lowering by 4.57% from 2023 the overall allowable rate of harvest for commercial fishermen and charter operators. The decision came after extensive discussion, with a number of those participating in the meeting urging deeper cuts. The adopted total constant exploitation yield (TCEY) for regulatory areas of Canada and the United States included: Area 2B (British Columbia) 6.47 million pounds;  Area 2A (Washington, Oregon and California) 1.65 million pounds; Area 2C (Southeast Alaska) 5.79 million pounds; Area 3A (Central Gulf of Alaska) 11.36 million pounds; Area 3B (Western Gulf of Alaska) 3.45 million pounds;  Area 4 (subdivided into 5 areas, 4A through 4E, in the Ber...
Comment Period on Bering Sea Halibut Management Proposal Opens
Fishermen's News Online, News

Comment Period on Bering Sea Halibut Management Proposal Opens

NOAA Fisheries is seeking comment through Feb. 7 on a plan for abundance-based management of halibut in the Bering Sea. The proposed rule would implement Amendment 123 to the fishery management plan for groundfish within the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area for the Amendment 80 trawl sector prohibited species catch limit for Pacific halibut. NOAA Fisheries said in its request for comment that Amendment 123 balances interests of the two largest halibut user groups in the Bering Sea-Aleutian Islands Fishery Management Area. The Amendment 80 sector is a fleet of nearly 20 trawl catcher-processor boats targeting Pacific cod, Pacific Ocean perch, Atka mackerel and rock, yellowfin and flathead sole in the Bering Sea. The action was initiated at the December 2021 meeting of t...
IPHC Meets Virtually Nov. 30-Dec. 1
Fishermen's News Online, News

IPHC Meets Virtually Nov. 30-Dec. 1

The 98th International Pacific Halibut Commission interim meeting is underway online Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, with all sessions to be webcast and open to the public. Topics up for discussion include fishery monitoring, stock status of Pacific halibut for 2022 and the 2023 harvest decision table, project updates on biological and ecosystem science research activities, a management strategy evaluation and proposals for the 2022-23 process regarding IPHC fishery regulations.    Meeting discussions are expected to begin with an update on actions arising from the 98th session of the IPHC annual meeting, 2022 special sessions and intersessional decisions, plus the IPHC five-year program of integrated research and monitoring, and a report from the 23rd session of the IPHC research advisory board. ...