Tag: grants

ASMI Awarded $8.5M International Marketing Grant
Fishermen's News Online, News

ASMI Awarded $8.5M International Marketing Grant

A $8.5 million federal grant announced in mid-December is earmarked by the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute to increase its international marketing efforts over the next five years. The funds come from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service Regional Agricultural Program (RAPP). “We were pleasantly surprised,” ASMI Executive Director Jeremy Woodrow said. He announced receipt of the grant, which is specifically designed for marketing and trade efforts, on Dec. 19. Woodrow said the timing of the new federal funds is well-aligned with the Alaska seafood industry's needs to combat numerous global economic pressures. “While these funds will help ASMI grow our international efforts, they will also allow ASMI to direct additional state funds toward the...
$4.5M Federal Grant Allocated for Salmon Restoration in Alaska
Fishermen's News Online, News

$4.5M Federal Grant Allocated for Salmon Restoration in Alaska

A $4.5 million grant announced Sept. 23 by the Interior Department is earmarked for co-stewardship and salmon restoration in Alaska's Yukon, Kuskokwim and Norton Sound regions. The funds are part of Phase 4 of the Biden administration's “Gravel to Gravel Initiative,” recognizing salmon as among traditional foods vital to dozens of tribes who have lived in the regions for thousands of years, sustained by subsistence and also commercial fisheries. Due to climate change, as well as other factors, there’s been a severe decline in salmon returns to these areas, justifying a need for immediate and lasting ‘gravel to gravel’ action by the federal government, the announcement said. The Interior Department, coordinated through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Manag...
$600,000 in Grants Available for Projects Addressing Fish Stocks, Environmental Conditions
Fishermen's News Online, News

$600,000 in Grants Available for Projects Addressing Fish Stocks, Environmental Conditions

Federal officials are seeking proposals through Nov. 4 for grants for citizen science projects to address data gaps in assessing the health of marine fish stocks or how fisheries and fishing communities may be impacted by changing environmental conditions. The Department of Commerce and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the $600,000 funding opportunity on Aug. 5. The money comes via the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in U.S. history. It follows a NOAA Fisheries announcement in June 2023 highlighting that agency’s intent to use $145 million of Inflation Reduction Act funds focused on transforming NOAA Fisheries’ data enterprise. “Given the impacts of climate change on fisheries, it’s crucial to h...
$196M in Grants to Fix Culvert Barriers Inhibiting Fish Passage Announced
Fishermen's News Online, News

$196M in Grants to Fix Culvert Barriers Inhibiting Fish Passage Announced

The Federal Highway Administration has announced grants totaling $196 million for tribal, state and local governments to fix or remove 169 culvert barriers nationwide – including ones in Alaska, Oregon and Washington – to improve fish passage. The Biden-Harris administration said this past week that outdated culverts and other infrastructure may cause roads to flood and severely restrict or block fish passage. Such blockage, the announcement said, is key to the health of fish runs and important to commercial and recreational fishing and the health of tribal communities. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg said that through the investment, the government would repair or remove hundreds of culverts nationwide protect jobs and mitigate flooding risk. $19.3 million is earmarke...
Application Period Opens for Pacific Salmon Commission Grants
Fishermen's News Online, News

Application Period Opens for Pacific Salmon Commission Grants

Applications for four grant fund programs offered through the Pacific Salmon Commission are being accepted for projects to enhance wild salmon stocks and their habitat, with deadlines ranging from Sept. 6 through Nov. 1. The call for proposals for the Southern Endowment Fund, for southern British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Idaho’s Snake River Basin, as well as the Northern Endowment Funds for the area from Cape Suckling, Alaska, to Cape Caution, British Columbia, is Sept. 6. The annual grant programs support projects related to salmon stocks in the United States and Canada, within the respective geographic areas covered by each endowment fund. These funds are earmarked to support projects aligned with specific goals, objectives and priorities, including improving resource manage...