Pacific Salmon Commission Selects Projects for $9M in Funding
The Pacific Salmon Commission (PSC) on March 25 announced funding support for a total of 83 projects totaling $9 million, including 40 projects receiving $5.36 million from its Northern Fund and 43 projects receiving $3.66 million from its Southern Fund.
The projects selected for funding support work aligned with the Pacific Salmon Treaty for improved management, enhancement, and habitat restoration for Pacific salmon. The selection of projects receiving support includes work led by First Nations, non-profit organizations, researchers and U.S. and Canadian federal management agencies.
The list includes $234,126 for Stikine River Chinook and coho coded wire tagging and Chinook mark recapture and $206,913 for Stikine River- Tahltan River Chinook Sonar and coho mark-recapture feasib...