Tag: fishingfleet

‘Graying’ of the Fleet Researchers Propose Federal Support for Young Fishermen
Fishermen's News Online, News

‘Graying’ of the Fleet Researchers Propose Federal Support for Young Fishermen

A research report charting a new course to “un-gray,” or make younger, the Alaska fleet of commercial harvesters looks at current challenges and proposes programs for young fishermen. The report titled “Charting a new course: ungraying the fleet and comprehensively supporting fishing livelihoods and communities,” is the work of veteran fisheries social scientists Danielle Ringer of Kodiak, Alaska, Rachel Donkersloot of Aniak and Courtney Carothers of Anchorage. The document, available online at frontiersin.org, reflects on years of scientific research on the graying of the fleet in Alaska fisheries and discusses progress made at the federal level to improve intergenerational equity in fisheries. The authors emphasize the importance of a multifaceted approach to challenges faci...