Tag: eez

Seafood Industry Urges Biden to Halt Expansion of Marine Monuments
Fishermen's News Online, News

Seafood Industry Urges Biden to Halt Expansion of Marine Monuments

Several dozen seafood industry, related business entities and coastal communities are urging President Biden to halt proposals to create or expand any marine national monuments in the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ) during his final days in office. The group told Biden in a Nov. 18 letter that between 2006 and 2016, five marine national monuments spanning nearly 1.2 million square miles of ocean were created in the U.S. EEZ by presidential proclamations, so that over one-quarter of U.S. ocean territory is now part of a Marine Protected Area where commercial resource extraction is prohibited. Further reliance upon the Antiquities Act to proclaim additional tracts of ocean territory off limits to fishing and other sustainable uses would cause significant negative impacts, the gr...
Sonar Monitoring on Seafloor Shows Pollock Traveling Between U.S., Russia EEZs
Fishermen's News Online, News

Sonar Monitoring on Seafloor Shows Pollock Traveling Between U.S., Russia EEZs

A new federal fisheries study released June 20 shows that substantial numbers of pollock travel seasonally between the two U.S. and Russian exclusive economic zones (EEZ). The study, conducted from July 2019 to August 2020, used specially designed moorings, equipped with sonar on the seafloor, to acoustically monitor pollock abundance and movement between the two EEZs. They documented pollock moving southeast over the maritime boundary in winter as the sea ice formed, but largely absent in late spring when ocean temperatures were near freezing and sea ice was still present, biologists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. When moorings were deployed in summer 2019, the area was unusually warm but conditions were cooler in summer 2020, according to NOAA...
Public Comment Sought on Research Priorities for Alaska’s Exclusive Economic Zone
Fishermen's News Online, News

Public Comment Sought on Research Priorities for Alaska’s Exclusive Economic Zone

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council is seeking public comment regarding research priorities for fisheries in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) off of Alaska for a triennial review. The council is mandated to develop research priorities for fisheries, habitats and other areas necessary for management purposes and reviews those priorities every three years. Comments may be sent via the council’s eAgenda meeting portal up until 5 p.m. Alaska Time (6 pm Pacific) on Oct. 31. Written comments should be sent via “Request for Information: Research Priorities Triennial Review”, https://meetings.npfmc.org/​Meeting/​Details/​2998, using either the “Comment Now” function on the eAgenda page or by using the comment form, https://forms.gle/​PPfkFPQ1JCXJrRSN9, by the October 31 deadlin...
Decision on Fishing in Cook Inlet EEZ Goes to Feds
Fishermen's News Online, News

Decision on Fishing in Cook Inlet EEZ Goes to Feds

Members of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council took no action during its April meetings regarding amending the fishery management plan for salmon in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) waters off of Cook Inlet. The inaction now puts the decision in the hands of the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). NMFS’ Alaska Regional Administrator Jon Kurland said his agency is now tasked with coming up with a plan to revise that fishery management plan, which was written by the federal fisheries council. Marine Fisheries Service members had intended to amend the salmon management plan for management of all salmon fishing in the federal waters of upper Cook Inlet. Federal management must be consistent with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, consistent with...