Tag: ecosystem

NOAA Fisheries Seeks Public Comment on Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Road Map
Fishermen's News Online, News

NOAA Fisheries Seeks Public Comment on Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Road Map

NOAA Fisheries is accepting public comment through Aug. 31 via email to nmfs.ebfm.roadmap@noaa.gov regarding its updated Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Road Map (EBFM), which is subject to periodic review. Ecosystem-based fisheries management is defined by NOAA as an integrated, science-based approach to fisheries management in a geographically specific area that contributes to the resilience and sustainability of the ecosystem and optimizes benefits among a diverse set of societal goals. NOAA's first EBFM roadmap was established in 2016 to provide guidance on the agency's policy shift toward implementing ecosystem-level planning for fisheries. This style of management involves setting quotas and also considering how individual species’ fit into the wider ecosystem, rather than ...
NPRB Seeks Pre-Proposals for Integrated Ecosystem Research Program
Fishermen's News Online, News

NPRB Seeks Pre-Proposals for Integrated Ecosystem Research Program

Concerns over warming waters in the Bering and Chukchi seas and reduction in the extent and duration of seasonal sea ice have prompted the North Pacific Research Board (NPRB) to issue a request for pre-proposals for its Northern Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program. The NPRB has stated that it’s specifically interested in how environmental conditions and processes in the Northern Bering Sea influence species of commercial, ecological and subsistence importance, and implications for state and federal fisheries management and communities dependent on the resources. About $6.5 million has been made available by NPRB to pursue answers to these questions in the Northern Bering Sea, in hope that partners may offer additional funding to support research of mutual interest. ...
NOAA Fisheries Speaks at UN On Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management
Fishermen's News Online, News

NOAA Fisheries Speaks at UN On Ecosystem Approaches to Fisheries Management

NOAA Fisheries is taking a lead on the global stage in sharing its ecosystem approaches to fisheries management with interested nations, including opportunities at a recent United Nations conference. “For the United Nations to prioritize discussing ecosystem approaches to fisheries management is not trivial,” NOAA Fisheries Senior Scientist for Ecosystems Jason Link said. “It is indicative of how important the topic has become around the world.” The UN holds theme-based consultations annually as an international forum for member countries to advance fisheries issues. The focus May’s meeting was to explore how well countries are implementing ecosystem approaches to fisheries management. This approach is codified as part of International Law and Ecosystem-based Fisheries Managem...