Commercial Catch of Alaska Salmon Climbs to 9M Fish
Commercial salmon gillnetters, seiners and setnet harvesters delivered upward of 9.2 million salmon to processors through the eve of Independence Day in fisheries from Southeast, Central and Westward regions of Alaska.
Through July 1, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s estimated statewide harvest included 6.8 million sockeyes, 1.9 million chums, 278,000 pinks and 76,000 Chinook salmon.
ADF&G earlier had forecasted harvest of all commercial species of salmon at about 135.7 million fish.
In Bristol Bay, home of the world's largest run of wild sockeye salmon, ADF&G predicted a total run of 39 million fish and a maximum daily harvest capacity of 2.36 million fish a day, sustainable for about 18 days.
The preseason survey showed that total intended purchases were l...