ComFish Alaska Trade Show Begins March 24 in Kodiak
The ComFish Alaska commercial fisheries trade show, now in its 43rd year, begins Thurs., March 24, and runs through Sat., March 26, in downtown Kodiak, Alaska. This year’s event is back in person, but with options to view conference forums virtually.
Topics at this year’s forums range from shellfish in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska to kelp mariculture, the impact of climate change on fishing communities, seafood marketing updates and opportunities and efforts to clean up marine debris.
Along with state fisheries biologists and others, speakers will include Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Doug Vincent-Lang, Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Kodiak Port and Harbors Director Michael Sarnowski and Alaska legislators Sen. Gary Stevens and Rep. Louise Stutes, both Kodia...