Tag: citizenscience

$600,000 in Grants Available for Projects Addressing Fish Stocks, Environmental Conditions
Fishermen's News Online, News

$600,000 in Grants Available for Projects Addressing Fish Stocks, Environmental Conditions

Federal officials are seeking proposals through Nov. 4 for grants for citizen science projects to address data gaps in assessing the health of marine fish stocks or how fisheries and fishing communities may be impacted by changing environmental conditions. The Department of Commerce and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the $600,000 funding opportunity on Aug. 5. The money comes via the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act, the largest climate investment in U.S. history. It follows a NOAA Fisheries announcement in June 2023 highlighting that agency’s intent to use $145 million of Inflation Reduction Act funds focused on transforming NOAA Fisheries’ data enterprise. “Given the impacts of climate change on fisheries, it’s crucial to h...