Tag: britishcolumbia

Researchers to Study Threats Affecting Salmon in B.C. Watersheds
Fishermen's News Online, News

Researchers to Study Threats Affecting Salmon in B.C. Watersheds

Researchers with the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, B.C., and the University of Montana have received $1.25 million through the joint British Columbia Salmon Restoration and Innovation Fund to study combined impacts of industry and other factors on salmon. Funds were provided by the federal and provincial governments, plus an additional donation came from the Sitka Foundation, a Vancouver, BC-based conservation non-profit. The funding was announced by Simon Fraser University on Dec. 15. In addition to research and recommending policies, building social networks and sharing promising success stories is a key objective of the initiative. The research team said it hopes to achieve its goal through events that bring together a diverse group ...
Scientific Report Urges Steps to Keep Salmon Habitat Safe From BC Mining Boom
Fishermen's News Online, News

Scientific Report Urges Steps to Keep Salmon Habitat Safe From BC Mining Boom

A collaborative report by 23 science and policy experts published in the peer-reviewed journal Science Advances says the mining industry is falling short of ensuring the health of wild salmon rivers in Western North America and British Columbia and threatening the future of wild salmon population. “The paper makes it clear that we need to improve risk assessments that take into account extreme climate events and cumulative effects, and that some places may be best as no-go zones for mining,” said Nikki Skuce, a co-author of the paper who serves as co-chair of the BC Mining Law Reform network. Science Advances, a multidisciplinary open-access scientific journal established in early 2015, is the first open-access journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of ...