Tag: apdes

Silver Bay Seafoods Fined for Water Quality Violations
Fishermen's News Online, News

Silver Bay Seafoods Fined for Water Quality Violations

Silver Bay Seafoods LLC of Sitka, Alaska, has been fined $467,469 by the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation for violations of their Alaska Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit at the processor’s Naknek River facility in Bristol Bay. DEC officials, which announced the fine on June 7, said that in addition to numerous violations identified at the Bristol Bay processing plant during a scheduled inspection in 2021, the company repeatedly discharged significantly more fish waste into the Naknek River than permitted, despite a DEC decision to deny Silver Bay Seafoods’ request to exceed discharge limits. “Not only did Silver Bay Seafoods' knowing and recalcitrant disregard for permit terms put the local environment at risk, but it also gave them a material competi...