Trident Seafoods’ Joe Bundrant, omega-3 researcher Joseph Hibbeln and executive chef Kelly Armetta are being honored by the Seafood Nutrition Partnership (SNP) for their support of the Nutrition Partnership’s mission to raise public awareness about the essential nutritional benefits of eating seafood.
SNP said in a Tuesday, Aug. 2 announcement that all three honorees are passionate about improving the lives of Americans through nutrition and have demonstrated an exceptional impact.
Bundrant will be awarded the SNP Seafood Industry Visionary Award for collaborating and focusing on public health benefits of SNP’s mission of increasing seafood consumption for the health of all Americans. He was a founding investor in SNP nearly a decade ago, and his efforts have made a lasting impact on SNP’s mission, improving lives through seafood nutrition, the organization said.
Hibbeln is a clinical investigator at the U.S. Public Health Service and acting chief of the Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics Section of Nutritional Neuroscience, in Bethesda, Md.
Hibbeln is being awarded the inaugural SNP Seafood Science Excellence for Human Health Award for significant time spent in research, education and outreach to further the knowledge and awareness of essential health benefits that come from seafood consumption.
He led the systematic review on “Relationships between seafood consumption during pregnancy and childhood and neurocognitive development,” as published in the online journal PLEFA in October 2019.
Armetta, the executive chef at the Hyatt Regency Boston, will receive the SNP Seafood Nutrition Champion Award, in recognition of his translating seafood nutrition science that motivates consumer behavior change to increase seafood consumption.
Kelly is receiving the award for his work in SNP’s Eating Heart Healthy program, including the challenge of creating seafood recipes that followed the theme of FISH: Fast, Inexpensive, Sustainable, Healthy. He created a series of recipes that averaged $10 to feed a family of four and personally demonstrated them to several Easting Heart Healthy cohorts.
All three are to be formally honored at an SNP gala on Sept 21.