Search Results for: gillnet

New Gear for Crew Comfort

By Kathy A. Smith It goes without saying that safety, warmth, staying dry and personal comfort are necessities that commercial fishermen must have on the job, no matter the task […]

Today’s Catch

As we reported in this space last month, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber has asked the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission to ban commercial gillnets on the main stem of the […]

Today’s Catch: Lame Ducks and Anglers

Chris Philips Managing Editor In a presumed bid to curry favor with sport fishermen, Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber has asked the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission to ban commercial gillnets on […]

Wild Alaska Salmon Run Picks Up Speed

Cold, nasty, rainy weather hovered over Alaska’s famed Bristol Bay salmon fishery on the eve of Independence Day, as the commercial catch began to pick up speed – with some […]