Researchers Launch Alaska Salmon and People Website

A new website produced by the state of Alaska’s Salmon and People (SASAP) is now live. It offers access to a vast amount of data and research to help people better understand the evolution and interdependence of salmon and people.

The project promoters say is the first-ever knowledge and data web portal about the 10,000-year-long relationship between Alaska’s people and salmon.

The collection represents the work of over 100 experts from Alaska and beyond who synthesized fundamental and current understandings about salmon that are important for sustainable management.

The SASAP project is co-led by the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) and Anchorage-based Nautilus Impact Investing, and is funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

NCEAS is a research center affiliated with the University of California Santa Barbara that conducts transformational science to inform solutions that will allow people and nature to thrive.

Major partners in the project include the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, the University of Alaska, and representatives from tribes, nonprofits, businesses and other academic and government institutions.