PFMC Announces Sablefish Management Strategy Evaluation Workshop

The deadline is right around the corner for participants to register for a two-day online workshop to solicit feedback on the ongoing range-wide sablefish management strategy evaluation (MSE). The event is planned for April 27-28 to foster discussions among Pacific and Pacific Northwest regions about sablefish science and management.

Organizers say the workshop will introduce the successful sablefish MSE experience from British Columbia, along with the range of time horizons for incorporating stakeholder input into this sablefish MSE.

The first key focal point for participant feedback will be to identify fishery objectives. Participants will be provided with an overview of types of objectives commonly used for MSE and recommend objectives for this MSE. No management actions will be decided by participants. Their role instead will be development of recommendations for consideration by the Pacific Sablefish Transboundary Assessment Team (PSTAT) in developing a Northeast Pacific Sablefish MSE.

Collaborators with the PSTAT include the Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Alaska Fisheries science Center, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Pacific Fishery Management Council and the North Pacific Fishery Management Council.

Registration options include signing in as a participant or observer, with participants expected to engage in the full two-day workshop.

Facilitators will guide breakout group participants through discussions aimed at collecting feedback on each focal topic. Early registration is being encouraged to ensure the ability to participate. Observer level registrants will be able to listen to presentations and full group discussions and ask questions as time permits during full group discussions.

The registration deadline is April 16 for those interested in participating and April 23 for those wanting to be observers. Registration is available online at The meeting will be live streamed via YouTube, where individuals may listen to presentations and group discussions without registration, but YouTube viewers will not be able to ask questions or view breakout sessions.