On tap is a discussion on a methodology for examining socioeconomic impacts of the council’s policies for modification of essential fish habitat designations and rockfish conservation areas under Amendment 28 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan.
Action is to be restricted to issues specifically listed in the meeting notice and any issues arising after publication of the notice that require emergency action under Section 305(c ) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, provided that the public is notified of the intent of the SSC subcommittee to take final action to address the emergency.
To attend the webinar, visit https://www.gotomeeting.com/online/webinar/join-webinar and enter the Webinar ID, 480-960-155, your name and email address.
After logging into the webinar, dial the toll number 1-562-247-8321, enter the attendee phone audio access code: 943-128-623, and your audio phone pin, which will be shown after joining the webinar.
All participants must use a telephone or cell phone to participate. For technical assistance email Kris Kleinschmidt at kris.kleinschmidt@noaa.gov or call him at 1-503-820-2280. A public listening station will be available at the Pacific Council offices in Portland, Oregon.