NPRB Considers Updates for Its Core Program Proposal Process

The North Pacific Research Board (NPRB), based in Anchorage, Alaska, is accepting comments ( through March 12 on updating its core program proposal process to provide a more stable and flexible funding platform for researchers. The board’s stated preferred alternative is to move from its current fixed proposal deadline with one funding meeting annually to a rolling submissions approach with no deadline and funding decisions spread between two annual meetings.

The NPRB is also seeking nominations for one seat on its science panel and three seats on its advisory panel. All four positions will become available on June 1, 2018. The deadline for nominations is March 2.

The science panel assists the NPRB in shaping its scientific program by advising on science planning and identification of research priorities, identification and evaluation of scientific information relevant to the board’s mission and review of proposals and technical evaluations received by the board. More information is online at

The advisory panel represents stakeholders, user groups and other interested parties from areas within the board’s purview. The advisory board’s role includes setting research priorities and defining questions, and highlighting proposals with special stakeholder relevance. To that end, nominations are sought from individuals with practical knowledge and experience in one or more of these large marine regions.

More information is online at