NPFMC Meeting in Homer

Members of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) will hold their fall meeting Sept. 30 through Oct. 9, in Homer, Alaska for the first time since July 1983.

The preliminary agenda includes an evaluation of modifying halibut bycatch limits in the Bering Sea to account for halibut abundance. Final action on a proposal to change observer fees for partial coverage fisheries as well as discussion of potential changes to the Bering Sea cod fisheries, development of salmon management for the portion of the Cook Inlet fishery access and management that occurs in federal waters are also on the agenda
“We’re excited for the council to meet back in Homer and to hear directly from the local fishermen and stakeholders that have an interest in federal fisheries,” said Council chairman Simon Kinneen, of Nome, who represents Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation.

The council’s Cook Inlet salmon committee will meet informally on Sept. 1 to discuss progress on federal management of the salmon fishery in the exclusive economic zone of Cook Inlet.

The council’s community engagement committee will meet on Oct. 1 at the Land’s End resort to develop strategies to improve the council’s engagement with rural and Alaska Native communities.

David Witherell, executive director of the NPFMC, said the council plans to hold an introduction to the council process workshop on the evening of Oct. 1 to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to learn about the council process and how to participate effectively. The workshop will also provide a brief outline of topics on the agenda so participants can gauge how they might be of interest.

All meetings, except for executive sessions, are open to the public and broadcast through a link on the council’s webpage.

The agenda is available online at