NPFMC Agenda Might Change with Shutdown

As the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) prepares for its meeting in Portland, Oregon Feb. 4-11, the staff is advising those planning to participate that the current federal government shutdown may create changes to its schedule.

The council’s agenda, which is available online at, includes several items scheduled for discussion, analysis and final action for which reports are anticipated, but now not guaranteed because of the current shutdown. Since the council often works cooperatively with state and federal fisheries agencies to gather data for these reports, and as federal fisheries employees usually attend the meetings to provide additional information but may not be available this time around, there could be changes in the agenda.

The council meeting schedule posted includes a management report from NMFS and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, a review of observer program fees, final action on catcher vessel rockfish retention as well as individual fishing quota medical lease and beneficiary designation provisions. Discussion papers to be presented include one on crab e-logbooks, an economic data report, a stock assessment and a fishery evaluation (SAFE) report. The availability of some federal data needed for these reports if the shutdown continues is uncertain which may prompt additional changes to the schedule.