The North Pacific Research Board, created by Congress in 1997 to recommend marine research activities to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce, is accepting applications through Aug. 22 to fill four seats on its science panel.
Desired qualifications include expertise in one or more of the seven categories, which include: marine fish and/or marine invertebrate ecology; stock assessment and fisheries management; salmon life history and ecology; quantitative ecology; climate and earth systems models; genetics; and physiology.
Candidates, according to the Research Board, should demonstrate active engagement in science and research applied expertise, knowledge of pressing fisheries management issues, research needs, and priorities of state and/or federal managers.
They should also be comfortable reviewing a wide range of proposals, and have direct experience with a co-production of knowledge approach to research.
Selection will be made on their expertise, broad perspective, experience and leadership in areas important to NPRB’s research program.
Applicants should submit a brief resume of not more than two pages with full contact information, and three letters of reference.
For more information, contact the NPRB science director at Matthew.Baker@nprb.org or NPRB’s executive director at Lynn.Palensky@nprb.org. More information about the Board and its activities is available at www.nprb.org.