The National Marine Fisheries Service has modified the Chinook salmon landing and possession limit for the commercial salmon troll fishery for the entire area north of the Cape Falcon area to 40 Chinook per vessel per week through June 8.
Officials with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said the rationale behind the decision is that total Chinook landings in the area from the U.S.-Canada border to Cape Falcon, Oregon are estimated at 13,500 out of the spring quota of 18,000 fish, leaving a remainder of just 4,500 Chinooks on the quota. Landings last week were estimated at 5,250 Chinooks.
Eric Schindler of ODFW’s marine resources management section noted that the majority of salmon moving north have not been doing well in recent years, but whether this is due to predation or ocean conditions has not been determined. Harvest deliveries this season have come from 55 Washington state and six Oregon vessels, he said.
ODFW biologists said that additional actions may be needed to avoid exceeding the spring quota.
Under the modified regulations, harvesters may not possess Chinook salmon south of Cape Falcon, Oregon, that are less than 28 inches total length.
However, they may possess and land Chinook salmon that meet the minimum length of 27 inches total on those dates when the troll salmon season has been closed South of Cape Falcon for 48 hours or more. Those dates for the May through September seasons are anticipated to be June 15-17, July 3-4, July 12-16, July 24, Aug. 3, Aug. 14-31, Sept. 7-10, and Sept. 17-30.
All salmon must be delivered during the landing week or they will apply against the week in which they are possessed and delivered, according to ODFW.