Washington State candidate for governor Bill Bryant has arranged a meeting with the Whatcom Commercial Fishermen’s Association so that he can meet with local and state fishermen and hear about their concerns.
Mr. Bryant will be in Bellingham Wednesday December 9th at 4:00 PM at the BTC Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences building in downtown Bellingham on Whatcom Creek. Address is 3028 Lindberg Ave.
Mr. Bryant is going around the State meeting with small groups of citizens to listen to their concerns and ideas, and to share his own views with potential voters. Getting to meet a candidate in person gives citizens an opportunity to look the candidate in the eye, and ask questions in person.
This is an open meeting and all interested citizens are invited to attend.
Mr. Bryant has published his ideas for the future of Washington State and here are a few that may interest some citizens.
Mr. Bryant is currently a Port of Seattle Commissioner.
“Bryant is a founding member of the Nisqually River Foundation, which is heavily involved in restoration and preservation projects on the Nisqually River. The foundation participated in efforts to remove the Brown Farm Dike in 2009, restoring water to much of the delta leading into Puget Sound. As a port commissioner, Bryant says he was a factor in SeaTac Airport dramatically reducing stormwater runoff reaching Puget Sound with various measures.
His campaign will stress ideas to improve the quality of the rivers and streams flowing into Puget Sound, including industries improving their stormwater runoff measures.
“On my bucket list is making Puget Sound better than it was before,” he said.”
Editorial comment: I wonder what his position is on the proposed coal dock at Cherry Point?
“On the topic of education, Bryant says the state school system needs more overhauling than ordered by the Supreme Court, which ruled to increase education funding and reduce teacher-student ratios in grades K-3.
In particular, he believes a new approach is needed for non-college-bound students, contending the junior and senior years for those students should stress work internships, apprenticeships and access to technical school training. “Employers can’t get the workforce that they need,” he said.
Bryan also supports a longer school year, including a potential year-round approach for the upper grades. He also believes that principals should have more control over the resources available to their schools, and should be trained for such extra responsibilities.”
“Bryant, 55, was born in the Lewis County village of Morton and grew up on the Olympic Peninsula before earning a bachelor’s degree from the foreign service school at Georgetown University. In 1992, the Seattle resident started Bryant Christie, a firm that markets agricultural projects overseas. He has been a Port of Seattle commissioner since 2008, and has served as the commission’s president.”
Early support for Mr. Bryant has come from food producers, primarily agricultural (ie. farmers). Mr. Bryant is running under the Republican banner.
Whatcom Commercial Fishermen’s Association is not endorsing Mr. Bryant, but is simply supporting the citizens’ opportunity to meet Mr. Bryant and make up their own minds about their voting decisions.
More information can be found at the Whatcom Commercial Fishermen’s Association Facebook page: