The International Pacific Halibut Commission is inviting inquiries to fill eight vacancies on its Management Strategy Advisory Board (MSAB).
The MSAB currently meets at least once annually, in May, for two to four days, with an additional one -to- three -day meeting in October, if needed. Board members serve without compensation from the halibut commission, but travel expenses to board meetings and associated per diem are fully paid for non-government members.
The primary role of the MSAB is to advise the commission on the management strategy evaluation (MSE) process. The MSE is a stakeholder-informed, scientifically driven process that supports development of a revised IPHC harvest strategy policy.
Primary objectives of the advisory board include recommending clear measurable objectives and performance metrics for the fisheries, providing suggestions to the halibut commission Secretariat about plausible fisheries-related scenarios for investigation, and gathering and clearly articulating interests and concerns of constituents and incorporating them into MSAB discussions.
The MSAB is composed of harvesters of commercial, sport and subsistence fish, fisheries managers, processors, science advisors and other experts as required, and may be facilitated by the IPHC Secretariat.
Advisory board members serve four-year terms and may then serve additional terms at the discretion of the commissioners. Expressions of interest in serving on the board must be received via email at secretariat@iphc.int by the close of business on April 19.
The commission is expected to make an intersessional decision on membership in time for any new members to be able to participate in the 19th session of the advisory board, scheduled for May 1-3.