Final action on Central Gulf of Alaska rockfish adjustments is on the agenda for the hybrid June meeting of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, set for June 6-14 in Sitka, Alaska.
Other major issues on the agenda include a Crab Plan team report on Aleutian Islands golden king crab and adopting alternatives for the snow crab rebuilding plan analysis, initial review of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Island Pacific cod small boat access and trawl electronic monitoring committee report, plus a review of the observer program annual report for 2021.
Discussions on salmon research reports on Chinook and chum stock status from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center and Alaska Department of Fish and Game are also on the agenda, which is online at https://meetings.npfmc.org/Meeting/Details/2934
The council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee is scheduled to meet June 6-8, and the Advisory Panel from June 7-10.
The full agenda, schedule and the documents for review and their release dates are available online at www.npfmc.org.
Comments are welcome for each agenda item during the written public comment period, which opens May 20. The deadline for written comments is noon on June 3. All comments submitted are to be reviewed and placed online after the deadline closes.
In-person and remote testimony will be available in all three meetings. Related questions can be emailed to npfmc.admin@noaa.gov.