The latest data compiled by the federal fisheries officials show in that in 2022 the Port of Dutch Harbor in Unalaska, Alaska ranked again as first in the nation for seafood landings, while the Port of New Bedford, Mass. maintains its status as first in value of deliveries.
The annual “Fisheries Economics of the United States Report,” released by NOAA Fisheries April 4, shows among the nation’s 20 top ports that 613.5 million pounds of seafood, with a value of $159.9 million dollars were delivered to the Port of Dutch Harbor in 2022. The value of 88.4 million pounds of seafood delivered at the Port of New Bedford came to $443.2 million.
Eight other Alaska ports, plus two from Oregon, one from Washington state and one from California also made the list of top 20 ports in the country for the poundage and value of their seafood delivered.
Alaska’s Aleutian Islands had deliveries of 443.4 million pounds of seafood, valued at $144.4 million. Kodiak received 285.4 million pounds of seafood valued at $139 million and Naknek saw deliveries of 234.5 million pounds of seafood valued at $298.5 million.
The Alaska Peninsula had deliveries of 91.7 million pounds valued at $91 million.
The port at Sitka, Alaska had 69.1 million pounds of seafood valued at $77.5 million, while fishermen delivered 65.3 million pounds of fish to Cordova with a value of $76.4 million, and the port of Ketchikan had deliveries of 54.1 million pounds valued at $46.2 million. Bristol Bay deliveries of 40.3 million pounds were valued at $54.7 million.
The Port of Los Angeles saw deliveries of 36.7 million pounds of seafood valued at $26.5 million. The port of Westport, Wash. received 112.3 million pounds of seafood valued at $86.5 million.
Newport, Ore. had deliveries of 99.7 million pounds valued at $47.7 million, and Astoria, Ore. recorded deliveries of 150 million pounds, valued at $41.9 million, data show.