Comment is being accepted in advance of the Oct. 6-11 meeting of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council in Anchorage on agenda topics ranging from integration of electronic monitoring on Pollock catcher vessels to a proposal for expanded Pacific cod catches in federal waters.
Final decisions on both matters are expected at the meeting.
Development of the trawl electronic monitoring program evolved as part of a cooperative research plan developed by the Trawl Electronic Monitoring Committee through pilot projects in 2018 and 2019, and under an exempted fishing permit, which has expanded participation since 2020.
The proposed amendment to redefine the current federal Bering Sea/Aleutian Island Pacific cod jig sector to include jig catcher vessels and catcher processors, as well as hook-and-line or pot catcher vessels that are less than or equal to either 55 feet or 56 feet in overall length is also up for final action.
The report states that proposed amendment could provide stability and add opportunity for current fishery participants and potential new entrants with smaller hook-and-line or pot catcher vessels without negatively impacting vessels operating in the jig sector.
The Bering Sea/Aleutian Island crab plan team met in Seattle Sept. 12-15, in person and virtually via videoconferencing. The stock assessment and fishery evaluation (SAFE) report for king and Tanner crab fisheries in the BSAI was delivered for that meeting, as required by the council’s Fishery Management Plan for BSAI king and Tanner crab.
The SAFE report summarizes the current biological and economic status of fisheries, total allowable catch or guideline harvest level, and analytical information used for management decisions. The council’s agenda also includes a report from the Pacific Northwest Crab industry Advisory Committee and detailed SAFE assessments for the Saint Matthew Island blue king crab, Bristol Bay red king crab and Pribilof Islands red king crab.
The Crab Plan Team annually assembles SAFE reports with help from the Alaska Department of Fish More information on the meeting and how to submit comments is online at https:meetings.npfmc.org.