The reassessment is being conducted by Global Trust/SAI Global, said officials the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute.
Registered stakeholders will be sent a copy of the report by filling out the online form at
The assessment team appointed to this assessment will review each comment submitted by stakeholders to determine if clarifications, updates or modifications to the report are necessary. The certification body will ultimately preside over the final outcome on certification consistent with accreditation requirements and the certification program’s rules. Information is most useful to this assessment team when it is specific and includes constructive suggestions for improving existing situations. Supporting documentary evidence for any issues of concern is also appreciated.
For further information on stakeholder involvement,
ASMI’s Responsible Fisheries Management Committee will hold a meeting Nov. 22 at the Seattle offices of the Pacific Seafood Processors Association. The call in number is 1-800-315-6338, or 1-913-904-9376, and the access code is 89501.
A copy of the draft agenda is online at