Fishermen’s News Online

Conservation Groups Seek Permanent Ban on BC Mine Waste Facilities
Fishermen's News Online, News

Conservation Groups Seek Permanent Ban on BC Mine Waste Facilities

Two fisheries conservation entities focused on protection of wild salmon habitat say they will appeal to the federal governments of the United States and Canada for a temporary halt to permitting, exploration, development and expansion of British Columbia mines. Salmon Beyond Borders and the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC) said on Aug. 3 that they also are seeking a permanent ban of mine waste facilities. The announcement came on the eve of the seventh anniversary of the Mount Polley mine disaster of Aug. 4, 2014, when a breach in the tailings pond of the Mount Polley copper and gold mine owned by Imperial Metals released water and slurry with years’ worth of mining waste into Polley Lake. The wastes flowed on into Hazeltine Creek and the Quesnel Lake waters...
Bristol Bay Processors Donate 25,000 Lbs. of Salmon to Yukon River Villagers
Fishermen's News Online, News

Bristol Bay Processors Donate 25,000 Lbs. of Salmon to Yukon River Villagers

Six major processors of Bristol Bay salmon collaborated in late July to gather and transport to Yukon River villages 25,000 pounds of headed and gutted king salmon, a diet staple for hundreds of folks living in subsistence communities along the river. The project came together in the midst of a wildly successful Bristol Bay salmon harvest, with a harvest of over 40 million sockeye salmon, while on the length of the Yukon River all fishing, including subsistence, was banned by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game because of weak runs of Chinook and keta salmon. Officials from Alaska General Seafoods, Leader Creek Fisheries, North Pacific Seafoods, OBI Seafoods (Ocean Beauty/Icicle), Silver Bay Seafoods and Trident Seafoods asked SeaShare executive director Jim Harmon to help with co...
Oceana Sues NMFS Over Sardine Rebuilding Plan
Fishermen's News Online, News

Oceana Sues NMFS Over Sardine Rebuilding Plan

A lawsuit filed on behalf of the environmental entity Oceana against National Marine Fisheries Service contends that a current Pacific sardine rebuilding plan is not working, nor does it take into account the importance of a healthy sardine population to other species. The lawsuit, filed by non-profit public interest organization Earthjustice on behalf of Oceana, notes that Pacific sardine numbers have dropped by over 98% since 2006, and according to a 2020 federal assessment the current population is only 28,276 metric tons. Historically when that population was healthy, its abundance measured in millions of metric tons, the lawsuit contends. Ruth Howell, speaking for NMFS in California, said the agency had no comment at this time. Sardines are an essential food for humpback whal...
$35M Allocated for Design/Build of New UC San Diego Coastal Research Vessel
Fishermen's News Online, News

$35M Allocated for Design/Build of New UC San Diego Coastal Research Vessel

California legislators have allocated $35 million for a new coastal research vessel for the University of California-San Diego, for education and research to boost understanding of the California climate change impacts on the coastal ecosystem. The 125-foot vessel, expected to take three years for design, build and commission, would replace the research vessel Robert Gordon Sproul, which has been used for nearly 40 years to educate thousands of UC San Diego students. The vessel is to be operated by the university’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography. “After a four-decade run, it is high time Scripps built a new research vessel that can keep up with the high-caliber work they continue to churn out, and help our state navigate the troubles waters of sea level rise and our evolving cli...
NOAA Fisheries Boosts Chinook Salmon Catch Through July 31
Fishermen's News Online, News

NOAA Fisheries Boosts Chinook Salmon Catch Through July 31

Commercial harvesters from Humbug Mountain to the Oregon/California border were given a catch increase of 20 Chinook salmon per week in the commercial troll season fishery for the open periods of July 22-28 and July 29-31 by NOAA Fisheries. The decision was made by NOAA in consultation with the Oregon and California department of Fish and Wildlife, the Pacific Fishery Management Council and fishery representatives. Oregon fisheries officials said catches in the Humbug Mt. to Oregon/California border July quota fishery have lagged behind expectations. Through the first three openers on July 1-7, July 8-14 and July 15-21, a total of 77 Chinooks had been landed, leaving a remainder on the quota of 139 kings. Increasing the weekly landing and possession limit to 20 kings would provide...
New Legislation to Reauthorize Magnuson-Stevens Act Introduced in U.S. House
Fishermen's News Online, News

New Legislation to Reauthorize Magnuson-Stevens Act Introduced in U.S. House

New legislation to reauthorize the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA), is now before the U.S. House of Representatives. The Sustaining America’s Fisheries for the Future Act was introduced by Representatives Jared Huffman, D-CA, and Ed Case, D-HI, in the wake of a listening tour by Huffman to collect comments on issues facing numerous entities that depend on healthy fisheries. Huffman is the chair and Case is a member of the House Natural Resources Committee subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife. Huffman said that while MSA has worked well, new approaches are needed in this era of climate change, new technologies, evolving science needs and increasing ocean use. The new legislation rises to the challenges of the 21st century and includes critical u...