BSAI Crab, Monitoring on NPFMC Agenda

Final specifications for six stocks of Bering sea/Aleutian Island crab are on the agenda, along with an initial review of electronic monitoring integration when the North Pacific Fishery Management Council meets in Anchorage in early October.

The council has already posted online the agenda and schedule for the meeting and accompanying documents are expected to be posted well in advance of the meeting.

Also on the list of major issues are proposed specifications for groundfish harvests, the 2017 observer program annual deployment plan, and reviews of the halibut/sablefish individual fishing quota program, and Area 4 halibut IFQ leasing.

Discussion papers on the agenda include one on Bering Sea/Aleutian Island halibut abundance-based prohibited species catch.

The council session, at the Anchorage Hilton Hotel, will be held from Oct. 5-11.

Related meetings, also at the Hilton, include the council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee meeting Oct. 3-6; Advisory Panel, Oct. 4-8; Halibut Management Committee, Oct 5; Enforcement Committee, Oct 4; and Ecosystem Committee, Oct. 4.

All meetings are open to the public, except executive sessions. The deadline for written comments is Sept. 27. Email them to

The council meeting will be broadcast at
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