Returning partners included New Seasons Markets in Washington State; H-E-B in Texas and Kroger’s Quality Food Centers in Washington.
New partners for the 2019 season include Rosauers Supermarkets in Eastern Washington and Wegmans in New England.
The BBRSDA also said that the association is proudly continuing its relationship with Pacific Seafood as a supplier of high-quality Bristol Bay sockeye salmon.
For direct marketers who choose to create their own recipe cards, the BBRSDA is now offering a customizable recipe card template to add to their tool kit. Direct marketers can plug in their own photos and their own story in a high-quality format that represents the Bristol Bay brand and their premium product at
The preseason forecast for Bristol Bay salmon was for a total run of 40.18 million fish, with a harvest of 26.11 million salmon in Bristol Bay and 1.49 million in the South Peninsula.
The preliminary harvest estimate through June 24 included 7,574 deliveries of a total of 2.5 million salmon, including 2.4 million sockeyes, 122,347 chum, and 11,627 kings.
The Nushagak district alone has had an estimated 5,058 deliveries for a total of 1.8 million fish, including 1.7 million sockeyes, 121,917 chum, and 9,828 Chinook salmon.
Statewide the harvest is also building in Prince William Sound, the Copper River, Cook Inlet, Kodiak and the South Alaska Peninsula, for a statewide total of nearly 15 million salmon, including 7.7 million humpies, 4.9 million sockeyes, 2,7 million chum, 62,000 kings and about 1,000 silver salmon.