Agreement Reached on Troll Salmon Season from US/Canada Border to Cape Falcon
Members of the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the states of
Washington and Oregon, have reached an agreement with National Marine Fisheries
Service on management action for the commercial troll salmon season from the
US/Canadian border to Cape Falcon.
In a conference call on Tuesday, April 20, it was agreed that the
commercial fishery for all salmon except coho will open from May 1-15, as described
in the 2020 season regulations.
The announcement from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
said the season will follow the same rules and specifications adopted by the
PFMC on April 15 for the 2021 seasons.
The season will continue through the earlier of June 29, the
May-June overall quota of 15,375 Chinook salmon, or the Leadbetter Point,
Washington to Cape Falcon, or May-Ju...