ASMI’s All Hands Meeting Set for Oct. 8–10 in Anchorage

The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute’s All Hands on Deck meeting is set for Oct. 8-10 at the Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage, Alaska. The meeting, which is open to the public, offers updates on all programs ASMI is engaged in, along with discussion on current marketing efforts, strategies and challenges now facing the industry.

General session presentations will include fisheries and fiscal updates, followed by program reports on international marketing, seafood technology, sustainability, global food aid, domestic marketing and communications, and public relations.

Species committee meetings are planned for halibut and sablefish, whitefish, salmon and shellfish, as well as a separate meeting on ASMI’s responsible fisheries management program.

A working draft agenda for the meeting, is now available online at Check back for adjustments as ASMI continues to update its agenda. ASMI staff plan to add the actual reports to the agenda in advance of the meeting. Meanwhile questions about the schedule of events or attendance may be emailed to Sara Truitt at or call 1-907-465-5560.

ASMI’s board, chaired by Jack Schultheis of Kwik’Pak Fisheries, has announced the appointment of Michael Erickson of Alaska Glacier Seafoods and Alf “Gus” Skalfestad both to a processor seat on the board. The board of seven directors includes five processors and two harvesters all voting members appointed by the governor.