ASMI Reports Americans are Eating More Seafood

A new report prepared for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute says consumers are eating more seafood, citing their health concerns as a primary driver.

According to the Chicago-based consulting and research service firm Technomic, younger consumers are more likely to find seafood and plant-based proteins to be healthier than poultry, beef or pork. There is also growing concern among consumers over how food is produced and where food is sourced, and a growing desire to support food producers located in the consumer’s region or within the United States.

Consumers also told Technomic that the place of origin, environmental impact and production method are all playing a part in decisions to purchase seafood.

Forty-one percent of respondents said it is important to them that the environment is not negatively impacted by the seafood they eat. Forty percent said it is important for them to know which country their seafood comes from, and 39 percent said they prefer wild to farm-raised seafood.

The report said that Alaska seafood is well positioned to take advantage of these trends in seafood consumption. However, in order to do so it will need a strategy that targets consumers in and approaching peak spending years, with product strategy that highlights health, sustainability and uses source-specificity to elevate the Alaska seafood brand.

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